Top Reasons to Consult a Dermatologist- Medical Trust Hospital

Blemishes and wrinkles are two of the most frequent skin issues. However, the skin can be affected by thousands of disorders. Some of them create just minor symptoms. Others can be serious and cause problems in daily living. You should consult a dermatologist if you have redness, irritation, pain, rashes, or pus. This physician specialises in skin, hair, and nail care. Some treatments enhance the appearance of your skin. Skin cancer screenings on a regular basis can save your life. Find the Best Dermatologists in Kochi with whom you'd like to meet. Medical Trust Hospital offers the most effective therapy for various dermatology-related problems.

What exactly does a dermatologist do?

The work of a dermatologist is usually separated into three categories. These are some of them:

  • Medical: A dermatologist can help you diagnose and treat skin problems. Plaque psoriasis, rosacea, and acne are examples of this. A dermatologist can also detect indications on your skin that may indicate the presence of other health problems. Itchy, dry skin, for example, can occasionally suggest kidney difficulties.

  • Surgery: Minor surgery, such as the removal of moles or warts or the taking of skin samples, is performed by many dermatologists. Other dermatologists will focus on more complex procedures. The removal of benign cysts or skin cancer is one of these operations.

  • Cosmetic: A dermatologist can help you with skin problems that are affecting your look. Hair loss, dark patches, and wrinkles are examples of this. Many dermatologists are also qualified to do cosmetic procedures. Fillers, chemical peels, and laser hair removal are among them.

Top Reasons to See a Dermatologist

These ten conditions call for a dermatologist's attention.

1. Acne

Acne is the most prevalent skin disorder, and it creates a variety of facial imperfections. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and deep cysts are among them. These develop when the skin's oil glands create excessive amounts of a material called sebum. Pores become clogged as a result of it. Bacteria could also be to blame. Face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders are the most common places for blemishes to occur. Although acne isn't life-threatening, it can be distressing. It can potentially create lifelong scars if not treated properly. Over-the-counter and prescription lotions and gels, oral medicine, chemical peels, and laser treatments are all options for treatment.

2. Eczema

Eczema is a term used to describe a group of chronic skin disorders that produce skin inflammation (swelling). It's a lot of work and can be emotionally draining. Red, swollen, dry, and itching skin are common side effects. Atopic dermatitis is the most prevalent kind of eczema. Babies and children are commonly affected. Children's cheeks and other body areas may develop a rash. Fluid may flow from the rash. Creams and other medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed, can help to alleviate the problem.

3. Psoriasis 

Psoriasis is caused by an immune system malfunction. Skin cells from excessively quickly as a result of this. They then build up on the skin's surface. Plaques are the name for these patches. They have silvery scales and might be thick and crimson. They might itch or cause pain. Elbows, knees, legs, face, and scalp are the most common places where they appear. They can be found on the bottoms of the feet at times. Psoriasis is a long-term illness. Creams can be used to soothe and repair the skin. Oral medication to suppress the hyperactive immune system may also be used as part of the treatment.

4. Signs of Aging

Age affects the skin. Wrinkles, dryness, and discolouration, sometimes known as age spots, may appear. These indicators of ageing can be accelerated and exacerbated by the sun's harmful UV radiation and smoking. More solar damage can be avoided by wearing sunscreen. You should see a dermatologist if you're unsatisfied with your appearance. Many treatments are available to help smooth wrinkles and tighten skin. Chemical peels, laser therapy, Botox injections, and wrinkle fillers are among the treatments that can make your skin look more youthful.

5. Skin Cancer

The most frequent type of cancer is skin cancer. It's also the simplest cancer to treat if caught early. Melanoma, on the other hand, is the most serious type of skin cancer. It has the potential to be fatal. A dermatologist appointment should be prompted by a number of warning indicators. Skin growths that fluctuate in size, form, colour, thickness, or texture are among them. Check places on your skin that scab, crust, itch, pain, or bleed on a regular basis with a dermatologist. Checkups on a regular basis are also essential. A dermatologist should inspect your skin for signs of skin cancer at least once a year.

6. Hair Loss

Every day, the average person loses up to 100 hairs. Bald spots or thinning hair, on the other hand, could indicate a problem. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including pregnancy, stress, and a lengthy number of medical conditions. It's also possible that it's an inherited condition. A dermatologist may do blood tests and analyse a sample of scalp tissue under a microscope to determine the reason for hair loss. Medications, laser treatments, and surgical procedures are just a few of the choices for reducing the appearance of hair loss and restoring hair growth.

7. Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose veins are bulging, distorted, and painful veins caused by weakened or broken vein valves. Varicose veins commonly form on the legs and seem bulging or elevated. They can make you more susceptible to blood clots and skin sores. Varicose veins are more common as people become older, gain weight, and live a sedentary lifestyle. Spider veins appear on the skin as a network of thin red or blue lines. They're usually more of a fashion statement than a severe health risk. The type of venous condition determines the treatment. It may include wearing support stockings, taking medicine, and making some lifestyle changes.

8. Infection

A dermatologist is needed to treat skin infections caused by yeast, fungi, viruses, or bacteria. An athlete's foot, for example, is a bothersome and irritating condition caused by fungus. Viruses are responsible for warts and herpes. If not treated with medicines, bacterial infections of the skin, such as cellulitis, can become serious or even fatal. Lice and mites, for example, can spread contagious, irritating skin disorders. A dermatologist can evaluate the source of the infection and the best treatment options.

Dermatologists can undertake a wide range of operations, from simple skin tag removal to more complex procedures such as skin cancer surgery. It is critical to receive the proper treatment at the right time. Medical Trust Hospital's Department of Dermatology has the Best Dermatologists in Kochi, with specialists trained and skilled in medical dermatology, paediatric dermatology, and cosmetology, giving outstanding patient treatment and assuring a lifetime of healthy skin, hair, and nails.


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