The top five most common eye problems and symptoms - Medical Trust Hospital

Regardless of how well you look after your eyes, you are bound to experience at least one common eye disease at some point. While some of these issues cause minor damage to the eyes, a few of them might result in irreversible blindness.

At Medical Trust Hospital, the Best Eye Hospital, we make it a priority to discover and treat eye problems as soon as possible so that they do not interfere with the eyes' ability to operate properly. Our experts provide you with important information on how to resolve any eye condition and guide you through the entire process so that you are confident at all times you have the ability to make the greatest decisions for yourself and your family.

The following are some of the most common eye illnesses that people can get:

  1. Dry Eye

  2. Diabetic Retinopathy

  3. Cataracts 

  4. Glaucoma 

  5. Macular Degeneration 

1. Dry Eye

One of the most prevalent vision issues is dry eye. When your eye doesn't produce enough or the proper kind of tears, it causes this condition. Inflammation and pain might occur in your eye. It's difficult to read or use a computer if you have chronic dry eye. Some of the symptoms:

  • Feeling as something in your eye

  • Eyes that are bright red.

  • Eyes that are red, watery, or irritable

  • Light sensitivity 

  • Vision blurred

If you think you have Dry eyes, see an eye doctor. To assist your eyes to produce more tears, your doctor may prescribe medication or treatment.

2. Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition that occurs when a person has diabetes.

In diabetics, retinopathy is the most prevalent eye condition. The retina is damaged by high blood sugar and may detach. It's possible that you'll lose your vision as a result of this. You may not have any symptoms in the early stages of this illness. You may not have any symptoms in the early stages of this illness. However, if you see any of the following, consult your eye doctor right away:

  • Floating strings or spots in your vision

  • Vision is blurry.

  • Areas of your vision that are dark or blank

  • Changes in vision from fuzzy to clear

  • Colors appear to be bleached away.

  • Loss of vision

You can aid in the prevention of retinopathy in your eyes. Keep your blood sugar and blood pressure in check. Also, have your eyes examined at least once a year to help discover and treat issues early.

3. Cataracts 

The lenses in our eyes might grow blurry as we become older. Cataracts may not cause vision problems at first. However, when they worsen, it may become difficult to read or drive a car, particularly at night. Cataract symptoms include:

  • hazy vision

  • Night vision is difficult.

  • To read or discern fine detail, intense light is required.

  • Observing halo effects around lights

  • Colors that are fading

  • Light sensitivity and glare

Cataracts can be detected with regular eye exams. However, if you detect any changes in your eyesight, consult your eye doctor right away.

4. Glaucoma 

Glaucoma is a prevalent eye illness that affects adults over the age of 40 and is a main cause of blindness in people over the age of 60. The optic nerve is damaged when fluid builds up in the front area of your eye. Glaucoma may have no symptoms in its early stages. As a result, you may be unaware that you have it. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Loss of peripheral vision

  • Observing halo effects around lights

  • Redness or discomfort in the eyes

Glaucoma can be prevented by having a yearly eye exam. Your eye doctor will examine your eyes for signs of glaucoma and will prescribe therapy if necessary.

5. Macular Degeneration 

The most common cause of visual loss in the elderly is macular degeneration. The macula, the core section of the retina, deteriorates with age. It's possible that it'll induce blind patches in your central vision. Reading, driving, watching TV, and recognizing faces may become difficult. In the early stages, the majority of patients do not show any symptoms. You may notice changes in your eyesight as the condition proceeds, such as:

  • Straight lines appear to be bent.

  • In the middle of your vision, there are dark, hazy regions.

  • Face recognition problems

  • Having trouble seeing small details

Macular degeneration can be detected and treated with annual eye exams with an ophthalmologist.

Benefits of a Quick Identification

If an eye condition is detected early enough, it can be easily treated. The majority of eye issues can be detected in their early stages or when symptoms appear. They can be treated swiftly with a few precautions or some important medicines that do not hurt the eyes. However, there are several types of illnesses. However, if these abnormalities are not identified early enough, serious consequences can result.

Age is a Crucial Factor

It's important to remember that age has a huge impact on the eyes. Infant eye disorders differ significantly from those experienced by growing teenagers, adults, and older persons. At any age, a person is susceptible to developing an eye condition that, if not treated promptly, can be exceedingly detrimental to one's vision.

You should simply maintain your composure and consult with an eye specialist who will point you in the proper route. If you're looking for the best eye hospital in Kochi, Medical Trust Hospital offers the best eye care and treatment. Not every eye ailment necessitates surgery. Not all eye conditions result in blindness. An expert is the only one who can answer all of your inquiries about a certain subject and also suggest answers. So, take a deep breath and have a cheerful attitude.


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